Off Schedule Post!

March 5

Hey All

So much progress that I had to post. Things are getting better, I am walking again with sweats on, [meaning no more skirts to protect my leg skin]. I was able to get to the market a couple of times this week!! Fatigue is starting to dwindle and I am getting back to normal energy levels [thank GOD]. Still have a ways to go to normalcy, BUT this is HUGE.  Eyebrows are growing back same with eyelashes!!!

I am looking so forward to remission that I could spit! I'm well on the way!!

  • Torso shedding like crazy
  • Hands and feet still wrapped daily, but Im told those are the last to heal
  • Leg pain at a Minimum
  • Continuing clean eating, no processed foods at all, 100% fresh, 100% Mediterranean, homemade everything, even pasta!
  • Skin still pink, but that is better than RED OR PURPLE!!!!
Continue the prayers and good wishes!!

Date Pain Threshold (1-10) Pain Notes  Diet Notes Dr Appts or Medicine Notes Other Notes
2/28/2020 Fri
Very little pain, legs shedding ALOT

2/29/2020 Sat
Able to wear compression pants

3/1/2020 Sun
Legs feeling better, went to church

3/2/2020 Mon
Torso Shedding still happening

Less leg pain
3/3/2020 Tues
Torso Shedding still happening ALOT LOL

Less leg pain
3/4/2020 Weds
Torso still shedding

3/5/2020 Thu
Torso still shedding

Dr. David Appt Good Acupuncture Appt


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