Well, this was my first week back at work, remotely, but still work, lots of Zoom meetings (for those that don't know Zoom is video conferencing) and collaboration. It was challenging resetting to get ready in the AM, as getting ready with this condition is ALOT maintenance, showering, ointment application, dressing, making sure my face, head and neck don't have flakes of skin, ears too, it takes a while and I am still quite red! So I nailed that process by Thursday by waking by 6 and ready to work by 9am and all of this with feeding Magoo and spending time with him. On Wednesday, I was tired and my eyes were red and I was itchy (I'll take the itch instead of the awful pain that I was in), and for a nano second, I doubted my decision to return to work, but I prayed and kept on going and charged through the week. Guess what?!?!? I made it!!! I'm so happy that I am working again and had to set myself up in my spare bedroom as an office as Magoo likes to bark at the UPS, A
March 5 Hey All So much progress that I had to post. Things are getting better, I am walking again with sweats on, [meaning no more skirts to protect my leg skin]. I was able to get to the market a couple of times this week!! Fatigue is starting to dwindle and I am getting back to normal energy levels [thank GOD]. Still have a ways to go to normalcy, BUT this is HUGE. Eyebrows are growing back same with eyelashes!!! I am looking so forward to remission that I could spit! I'm well on the way!! Torso shedding like crazy Hands and feet still wrapped daily, but Im told those are the last to heal Leg pain at a Minimum Continuing clean eating, no processed foods at all, 100% fresh, 100% Mediterranean, homemade everything, even pasta! Skin still pink, but that is better than RED OR PURPLE!!!! Continue the prayers and good wishes!! Date Pain Threshold (1-10) Pain Notes Diet Notes Dr Appts or Medicine Notes Other Notes 2/28/2020 Fri 4 Very
Happy Friday, here is the new post for the prior week, not to worry if something comes up mid week I'll post as usual- This has been a week of ups and downs, but ending on an "up", feeling better after having a rough Tuesday and Wednesday, lots of inner leg pain, due to running around to 2 appts, leg skin just did not appreciate all of the movement, so I took it very easy Weds and Thurs and it paid off. Today is Friday and I am back to a 4-5 in pain which is better that the 8.5 that I had earlier in the week. I think the turnaround has to do with a few things: The Chinese Herbal Tea I am taking No Tylenol, just ibuprofen (body had to get used to that) Combination of Acitretin and Consentyx Mediterranean Diet Here is last week's log: Date Pain Threshold (1-10) Pain Notes Diet Notes Dr Appts or Medicine Notes Other Notes 1/31/2020 Fri 4 Costentyx Shot # 3 2/1/2020 Sat 4 2/2/2020 Sun 5 2/3/2
I could not be more happy with my progress- I still have zero pain I am itchy but it is manageable My skin has cleared substantially I moved from the Bay Area to the Desert (Palm Springs, Magic Desert air) my nails on my hands and feet are normalizing my palms and soles of my feet are normal I still have small lesions, but nothing like Dec, Jan and Feb MUCH CLEARING Eyes are not as dry finger prints are back!!! I am hoping this is more permanent, however I know this is cyclical, so I am ready just in case!
April 7 Well, I have got to say that the flare I was suffering from has flared out and I could not be happier. Legs have cleared up and now I am back to where I was before the flare started around the 23rd of March. The flare was so painful to the point where even if the softest fabric touched my inner legs that would hurt terribly. I am hoping that I never have such an acute flare moving forward- The Stye ended up going away with warm compresses and that was painful too! Not as bad as the leg flare, but I'm sure I was being tested! But I made it through!!! Stay safe amidst this Covid19 virus!!! Staying Positively Miguel during this time and my eyebrows are growing back!. . . . . .ok kind of : ) One thing I have learned is I need God during tough times and ALL THE TIME! Magoo and the heart I made out of PostIts so the hood knows we are in this together ↕↕↕Beginning of Flare↕↕↕ ↕↕↕↕Worst Period↕↕↕ ↕↕↕ Today as Flare is Over ↕↕↕
March 30 Wow, you know the saying, "All good things must come to an end", well it's true, kind of - I was having a good 2 week run, then BAM, a flare happened on my legs that has me limping around the house. BUT, this too shall pass, day by day, I'll look forward to getting better and that will happen- What is a flare?, it is exactly what is sounds like. The skin gets inflamed, red, tender to the touch and just plain uncomfortable. My flare occurred in my problem areas: inner legs, pictures below OUCH- Anyway, I'll ride this out and make sure to have patience and move forward without looking back, but only for lessons learned. Oh and to top it off I'm dealing with a STYE as well!!!! hahahahahahahaha, it's all good though, I can have a ton load of things thrown at me and still manage to get through it with Faith and Optimism! The Chinese Herbs causing some issues with my GI tract so awaiting another batch that does not cause waterworks for #2'
I just wanted to provide an update- I am doing GREAT My skin has calmed down, still very itchy, but ZERO Pain!!!! Thanks to everyone who sent me good energy and prayed for me, it is working! I am still working remotely, but I am WORKING, and it feels so good!!! I am still dealing with the PRP, but, the effects are less than what they were, still looking pretty ragged, but things are getting better. God will heal me on his time frame and I have accepted that. Again, thanks for all of the good healing energy and prayers, they are working!!!! Feeling good and have looked better, but I am happy to be out of pain and working again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
March 13 First off, thanks for all the TEXTS, CARDS, PHONE CALLS and SOCIAL MEDIA LOVE!!! As I mentioned on my off cycle post, things are looking up, less pain is always welcome!! I am now battling shedding like crazy which is "fine dried skin flakes" as this does not hurt but it's itchy! I am approaching a stage in this disease which is stabilization and I have been looking forward to this for months!!! I am getting acupuncture 2x per week taking my Chinese herbs daily and seeing my dermatologist as well. Work has been so understanding, but i do look forward to going back soon! I am getting back to a normal color. I still have to wear gloves and wrap my feet as these extremities are prone to super dryness and cracking so I have to be aware of those potential effects and manage daily- Legs are going through a metamorphosis as the skin is leathery and inner leg skin is healing nicely with manageable pain there- Torso is continuing to shed very fine (almost dust l
Got the PRP diagnosis, started digging into all research, peeling starting and getting bad, prescribed the TUB of Triamcinolone Acetonide .1% to try to curb the itchiness Started digging into all sorts of research and was able to find a PRP Support Group on Facebook that has been a lifesaver! Helpful Links that I discovered: PRP Alliance PRP Definition PRP Phases Answers on PRP Meds PRP Survival Guide PRP Survival Guide [Eyes] * just a note of caution, while I strive to maintain decorum, there may be images and language that is of adult nature *
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