March 30

Wow, you know the saying, "All good things must come to an end", well it's true, kind of- I was having a good 2 week run, then BAM, a flare happened on my legs that has me limping around the house. BUT, this too shall pass, day by day, I'll look forward to getting better and that will happen-

What is a flare?, it is exactly what is sounds like. The skin gets inflamed, red, tender to the touch and just plain uncomfortable. My flare occurred in my problem areas: inner legs, pictures below OUCH-

Anyway, I'll ride this out and make sure to have patience and move forward without looking back, but only for lessons learned.

Oh and to top it off I'm dealing with a STYE as well!!!! hahahahahahahaha, it's all good though, I can have a ton load of things thrown at me and still manage to get through it with Faith and Optimism!

The Chinese Herbs causing some issues with my GI tract so awaiting another batch that does not cause waterworks for #2's-

I also made a mask, I'm pretty much home all the time, but when I do have to go out, its better to got out with something vs. nothing !

↑↑↑↑Ouch and Ouch inner legs↓↓↓↓


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