Thanksgiving with PRP, Not ADVISED, turning purple ugh ~

Had an amazing Thanksgiving, albeit sooooooooo uncomfortable, For Fuck's Sake (FFS) you'll see this often in this blog.

Wow how things can progress in 2 days time, suture dressing cannot stay adhered due to ointments, started turning dark red on my chest and back and the peeling has gotten worse, especially on elbows. Upper inner arms are starting to peel.

Seriously OUCH

Elbow is totally peeling and OUCH

Im just a peely mess and suture wound can't be covered due to oitments

Burning, itchiness, peeling of skin, body temperature regulation [chills, then hotness], fatigue, dry eyes, crusty eyes, blurry vision in the am upon waking up

This hurts just looking at it and yes you are correct OUCH

Don't mind Magoo's PeePee pads, just trying to get the pics of my almost purple legs

* just a note of caution, while I strive to maintain decorum, there may be images and language that is of adult nature *


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