Another night and morning with no increase in pain!

While I am still very happy that my pain is not escalating, I am still awaiting for the horrible PRP will start to retreat, I suppose that the reduction in pain is the first step to retreat.

Some things to note:

  • It is easier to put on socks, but, still very difficult, as something as simple as bending over is quite the task
  • Still having to apply ointment EVERYWHERE in order to prevent skin cracking and bleeding
  • Inner thighs still tender and need ointment 3x a day
  • Feet still need to be wrapped in plastic to prevent cracking
  • Arms need to be wrapped in order to maintain moisture and mobility
  • Face still requires ointment in order to prevent shedding and cracking
  • Eyelashes are very thin
  • Eyebrows have become very thin as well 
Pain is lessening but areas are still tender and affected ~ circled areas are the most concerning


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