Hunka hunka burning!!!! Woweeeeee!!!!

Wow there was alot of burning happening last night and not the kind I like! Backs of legs were white hot on fire! Changed 3x to get into something comfortable, clothing just irritated the skin, so I settle for a super large pair of sweat shorts, phew! Diagram shows concentration of pain and scaling and itchiness. Other than this I feel fine, but I can't imagine getting up, showering, applying ointment, getting dressed, driving to the ferry, taking the ferry ride, walking to the office, working for 8 hours the repeat on the way back and that would not even account for applying ointments mid day etc. Too much to even think about especially waking up with burning legs! WHEW!!!! I await stabilization!

Aside from the backs of legs the front and back elbows are pretty raw and burning today so I'll have to manage that- Face woke up puffy and scaly with lots of eye goop.

Had to wrap arms and calves to make sure ointment stays on skin, back of legs unable to be wrapped as gravity pulls down the wrap-

* just a note of caution, while I strive to maintain decorum, there may be images and language that is of adult nature *


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