New Format to show what is hurting

I changed formatting here to better illustrate how this PRP is progressing

Leg pain back, but not as severe, inner elbow and outer elbow pain still persisting but not as acute and my arms did not look like sandpaper this am, and my legs had minimal shedding- I tried to not wrap my feet last night …….. not a great idea, they dried out and started cracking, so at around 11pm I had to get up, slather them with aquaphor, put on the plastic booties and then socks in order to have some comfort. Fingertips are quite the site, as they are very wrinkly and dry, no pain, but the skin is very thin, things fall out of my hands if not gripped properly- Heat/cold regulation still VERY off, I’m either cold or having a hot flash, I think I have also stopped sweating which is causing the hot flashes, so I have to make sure I take it easy.

* just a note of caution, while I strive to maintain decorum, there may be images and language that is of adult nature *


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