Outing today!

This post is all about my outing today and will have nothing to do with PRP (ok maybe a bit)!  My very great friends Adam and Cory took me out to lunch today. We were supposed to take our ///M cars pictured below, but I was very sore and could not drive. So Adam took us in his M3 to Point Richmond to such an out of the way spot, but so well worth it!!! We ended up at Nobilis which is a little hole in the wall restaurant in a picturesque little area in the bay that you never imagine is there. We ate burgers and had a few beers (yes I still partake!) and although it was cold we enjoyed ourselves and had a great time. I was surprised I was able to manage without much pain, however, I was a bit fatigued, but I was happy I was with good friends that I love and that I know have my back. We came back to Oakland and spent some time at my home and Adam took a lovely pic of our ///M cars. I look forward to the days where I can take my car out and drive the fuck out of it, like I used to with my friends [always safely of course]!

Live life to the fullest even though sometimes it's not easy : )


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