Progress ! !

So again woke up with no White Hot Pain from my legs when I got out of bed. I did however have alot of shedding, but that is more of a nuisance compared to the pain. I'm hopeful that this relief is from the Cosentyx and I also hope that I continue to see improvements of this condition. Other things that I am doing is making sure that I avoid any types of stress or anything that causes anxiety, I am making all my own healthy meals and also using guided healing meditation that is helping me to maintain calmness and a healing mindset. I use this one on YouTube by Rasa, she has such a calming voice and its only 30 minutes I use it often!

Here is a pic where I was Face-timing with my cousins Sandee and Christy. Im still really red and scaly but keeping my chin up and hoping for the best!

And of course this little guy (Magoo) is keeping me strong and optimistic : )


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