First Week with No Cosntyx

This will be the first week that I do not have a weekly Costenyx shot. I am now on Monthly shots, so my next shot is in 4 weeks-

Today is Thursday and my inner leg pain is pretty bad I rate it an 8 out of 10, but I'm pressing on, taking it easy, meditating and saying prayers. I'm also on a higher dosage of Chinese herbs to help the skin retail more moisture, just started today so that needs a few days to kick in. Inner legs feel like the skin is 2 sizes too small, ugh-


  • Had a great Dermo appt with Dr. Bui, she is seeing small Isles of Sparing (small areas of my normal skin color) on my chest, back, legs, and face (1). 
  • I also had a few growths on my face (due to PRP) frozen off, I am very happy about that
  • My Acupuncture Dr, Dr. David, at my appointment this week noticed my face is more of a normal color and he added additional herbs for moisture capture to the herbs I am already taking
  • I'm wearing sweats, vs. the skirts I was originally wearing since my legs were so tender
  • I have alot of people praying for me and I am praying too
  • Really itchy
  • Shedding increased , but decreased today
  • Feet and hands still in gloves and booties to retail moisture and keep them from cracking
  • Inner legs are on fire as of today, but pain level has been increasing since Tuesday
I added some pics below of the inner legs and how I was shedding alot in the beginning of the week

 Back of legs and cheek Right

  Back of legs and cheek Left

Inner Leg Right

Inner Leg Left

Top of Thigh Left

Top of Thigh Right

Jacked up feet, due to wearing plastic booties


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