Happy Friday! New Post layout

Happy Friday, here is the new post for the prior week, not to worry if something comes up mid week I'll post as usual-

This has been a week of ups and downs, but ending on an "up", feeling better after having a rough Tuesday and Wednesday, lots of inner leg pain, due to running around to 2 appts, leg skin just did not appreciate all of the movement, so I took it very easy Weds and Thurs and it paid off. Today is Friday and I am back to a 4-5 in pain which is better that the 8.5 that I had earlier in the week. I think the turnaround has to do with a few things:

  1. The Chinese Herbal Tea I am taking
  2. No Tylenol, just ibuprofen (body had to get used to that) 
  3. Combination of Acitretin and Consentyx
  4. Mediterranean Diet
Here is last week's log:

Date Pain Threshold (1-10) Pain Notes  Diet Notes Dr Appts or Medicine Notes Other Notes
1/31/2020 Fri
Costentyx Shot # 3

2/1/2020 Sat

2/2/2020 Sun

2/3/2020 Mon

Started Mediterranean Diet

2/4/2020 Tues
AM 5

PM 7
I think I overdid the 2 appts a day, super tired and in alot of pain, inner legs 1 cup of coffee a day and 1 glass of wine a day MAX, minimal dairy and no red meat, vegetables first then fish or poultry, but always more legs than protein Dermo, Dr. Bui and Acupuncture, Dr. David Started Herbal regimen, gave me heartburn, contacted Dr David
2/5/2020 Weds
Pain worse through the night into the AM and taking it easy

Took tea AM Mid then skipped pm due to heartburn Dr. David advised having tea with a full stomach
2/6/2020 Thu
Pain lessened, taking it easy Woke up with Pain but the pain lessened after cleaning up and applying ointment Took tea 3x today Pain got better throughout the day kept ointments on and took it easy

And pain chart as of this morning:


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