New Week New Hopes!

I start my week on Fridays as that is the day I have to inject myself with Cosentyx. Last evening was my third weekly dose, so I am hopeful that this week, my PRP symptoms continue to decrease. The self injections are getting easier and easier, but still a bit freaky.

My nails are continuing to thicken, hands and feet skin becoming waxy. As mentioned in a previous post I wear booties on feet under socks and nitrile gloves on hands in order to prevent cracking and bleeding (ugh). I have a huge crack on my left foot, big toe crease above the ball of my foot and need to apply antibiotic ointment daily~

This weekend is a very dear friend's 50th birthday celebration in Las Vegas, which I was unable to attend due to my "lovely" temporary overbearing "partner" named PRP. I wish my friend that happiest of milestone birthdays!! I also wish that this PRP goes into remission sooner than later so I can be part of celebrations and everyday life.

Anyway, onto week three of Cosentyx and to see what comes of this condition!!

I have a followup Dermo appt on the 4th as well as an intake appointment with a Chinese Herbalist and acupuncturist that same day but later. I also have an acupuncture appt @ Kaiser on the 9th, but Ill consult with the herbalist first to get his reading on if I should do herbs and acupuncture together, we'll see-

These are the Cosentyx dosages that I inject weekly on Friday evenings, like I mentioned, still freaky, but the shots are doing their thing and Im getting better, albeit slowly
Pain centered (still) on inner thighs and back of knees. Inner thighs more acute than back of knees, walking possible when I do it slowly, bending the knees and putting on socks VERY difficult


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