What A Week

This past week had its ups and downs:


  • Pain has lessened, walking slowly
  • Was finally able to start wearing sweats again, as the tenderness in my legs calmed down a bit
  • Had Acupuncture appointments that I think really helped me get stronger and calmed symptoms
  • Really embraced the Mediterranean  Diet, Im really enjoying planning meals abound vegetables vs. proteins, no red meat, no chicken yet
  • Shakes 3x a day made with blueberries, bananas, strawberries and spinach yummers
  • waking up 3x a night to apply ointment and pee
  • pain is unpredictable and random
  • have a fleshy lump on collarbone that is typical due to steroid use pic below, no pain, just gross looking
  • Nails are getting thicker ugh
  • hand skin is waxy and thick
  • still really itchy
  • need naps daily, due to fatigue

I am continuing to take care of myself, praying alot, in many people's prayer groups, shout out to my good friend Awilda Cruz for keeping me in her thoughts and prayers (prayer warrior extraordinaire)

Pain Threshold (1-10)
Pain Notes 
Diet Notes
Dr Appts or Medicine Notes
Other Notes
2/7/2020 Fri
Costentyx Shot # 4

2/8/2020 Sat

Had Acupuncture appt Kaiser
Lots of walking, may have some pain tomorrow
2/9/2020 Sun
AM 6
Mid 6
PM 6

Started to put herbs into a morning breakfast shake

As predicted, inner thighs are more tender this morning
2/10/2020 Mon
AM 4
Pain has lessened

Pain is moving from inner legs to back of legs
2/11/2020 Tues

2/12/2020 Weds
AM 4
PM 6

Acupuncture today Dr David
2/13/2020 Thu
AM 6
PM 6
Pain now on inner leg to back of legs
Herbs back to a tea vs. putting in Shake
Tender today from Acu or from walking
Shower! Sweats

 The Lump + Article about the lump in the PRP Support GRoup I am part of, but I'll discuss with my Dr.

Pain Points as of this writing

 Waxy Thick Skin on Palms

 Dryness on Arms in the AM, itch itch!!!!!



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